Scientific Angle 30 meter Fluorocarbon Tippet with Interlocking Spool Cutter


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RiverBum is offering 33% off on Scientific Angle 30 meter Fluorocarbon Tippet with Interlocking Spool Cutter and droped its price to $15.95 from $23.95.


- Up to 35% stronger than previous material
- The highest wet-knot strength in the industry
- True-to-spec X sizes
- Sizes: 7X – 80-lb.
- Length: 30-meter spools in all sizes
- 7X – 25-lb. on small spool; 30-lb. – 80-lb. on large spool
- Hard, abrasion-resistant outside; softer core
- The ultimate in ultra-low visibility
- Patented cutter spool design

This is the best price Scientific Angle 30 meter Fluorocarbon Tippet with Interlocking Spool Cutter deal you can find anywhere online. Also save extra money with active RiverBum coupons and promo codes on variety of Cutters, Spool Cutters, Scientific Angle available at


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