Ping Lau a Little One To Love Baby Girl Doll


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- Welcome home a brand new precious baby with A Little One To Love: Sweet Baby Girl Baby Doll by Master Doll Artist P. Lau, a Collector's Edition available only from The Ashton-Drake Galleries
- This fully-sculpted lifelike baby doll features baby soft RealTouch® vinyl skin from head to toe for astonishing realism and is anatomically correct too
- Your So Truly Real® baby doll is further enhanced with infant-soft hand-rooted hair and luminous hand-painting by highly-trained artisans to highlight her rounded cheeks, rosebud mouth and breathtaking eyes
- Arrives with a birth certificate you can personalize with your baby girl's name and birth date, and a tiny hospital band around her chubby ankle with room to add her name
- She's adorably dressed in a custom pink snap-shirt with a kitten applique, matching cap, white socks with a pink ruffle, a diaper and a tiny perfect pink bow in her hair
- Includes an ensemble-matching polka-dotted receiving blanket
- Certificate of Authenticity
- Measures 16" L; 40.6 cm L; matching blanket measures 20" x 20"; 50.8 cm x 50.8 cm

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