Home & Garden Coupons & Promo Codes

Browse Active Home & Garden Coupons, Home & Garden Deals and Home & Garden Promo Codes for March 2025 and save big on your purchases online at online Home & Garden stores. Subscribe to DealsCosmos.com weekly alert to get updated information about latest Home & Garden promo codes March 2025.

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Lounge-Sitzsäcke schon ab 95,99 €

Es ist Zeit zum Entspannen mit den besten Sitzsäcken der Stadt auf Lumaland-sitzsack.de und den Lounge-Sitzsäcken schon ab 95,99€.

25% Rabatt

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Bis zu 25 % Rabatt auf Borner-Produkte

Für die Zubereitung von Salaten, Beilagen und Zutaten nutzen Sie die Börner-Küchengeräte zum Schneiden, Hobeln, Reiben und Hacken und vieles mehr bei Boerner.de und sichern Sie sich bis zu 25 % Rabatt auf die Produkte.

30% Off

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30% Off Storewide

Check out the high quality sewing machines, needles and much more at Sewingmachinesplus.com and avail a discount of 30% on your order using this promo code.

40% Off

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Up to 40% Off On Curtains and Shades

Check out the wide range of classic and high quality curtains at Halfpricedrapes.com and get up to 40% off using the promo code.


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Kaffee-/Teekocher ab 38,47 €

Schauen Sie sich die große Auswahl an hochwertigen Kaffee- und Teezubereitern bei Energeto.de an, die Preise beginnen bei 38,47 €.


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Personalisierte Fußmatten ab 49,90 €.

Gestalten Sie Fußmatten mit Logonamen, Sprüchen oder Namen. Nutzen Sie verschiedene Farben, Größen, Schriftarten und Vorlagen, um Ihren Eingangsbereich einladend zu gestalten. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei Mymat.de, Preise ab 49,90 €.

10% Rabatt

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10% Rabatt auf Bestellungen +150 €.

Gestalten Sie Ihr Zuhause mit den besten Home & Living-Produkten bei Ambiendo.de und erhalten Sie 10 % Rabatt mit dem untenstehenden Aktionscode.

15% Rabatt

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Erhalten Sie 15 % Rabatt auf Outdoor-Sitzsäcke.

Schauen Sie sich die verschiedenen Farben bequemer Sitzsäcke bei Sitzsack.de an und sichern Sie sich mit diesem Aktionscode 15 % Rabatt.

Kostenloser Versand

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Kostenloser Versand bei Bestellungen über 40 €

Erleichtern Sie die Küchenarbeit und sparen Sie Zeit. boerner.de hat Schäler und Schneider in höchster Qualität im Angebot. Es bietet außerdem kostenlosen Versand innerhalb Deutschlands ab einem Bestellwert von 40 €

30% Off

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30% Off on Sewing Needles

Sewing Machines Plus presents high quality sewing needles to help you find the perfect needles to fit your needs. Enter the coupon code now and avail 30% discount on your order.

60% Off

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Save Up to 60% on Entire Order

Trying to make your living rooms attractive? Half Price Drapes is able to offer drapes and curtains at an additional, significant discount up to 60% on the ocassion of 4th July.


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Lampen & Leuchten ab 1,49 €

Kaufen Sie hochwertige Lampen & Leuchten von Top-Marken auf ambiendo.de schon ab 1,49 € zum günstigen Preis.

10% Remise

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10% de réduction sur toutes les commandes

Profitez d'une réduction de 10 % sur tous vos produits souhaités sur josephjoseph.com. Utilisez simplement ce code promo au moment du paiement pour réclamer vos économies.


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Up to £400 Cashback on Sony TVs

PRC Direct UK has brought a great offer for you. Buy premium quality Sony TVs now online from prcdirect.co.uk and enjoy up to £400 cash back on your purchase.

£10 Off

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£10 Off on Orders Over £140

Save £10 on composting, wormeries and garden products over £140 when you order through originalorganics.co.uk. Redeem this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

70% Off

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Up to 70% Off on Garden Buildings

Keen Gardener UK features the best quality Garden Buildings for you at affordable price. So place your order online now and save up to 70% on your purchase.


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Refer a Friend & Get $5

With myQ referral program, you will both get $5 gift cards to a select vendor. So hurry up and visit the landing page and grab this offer.

5% Off

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5% Off on All Orders

Save 5% on your desired products at waterbuttsdirect.co.uk. Simply use this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

Free Shipping

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Free Delivery on Filters Orders Over £30

Browse best range of pond filters at astonishing prices and enjoy Free Delivery on your minimum purchase of £30. Use this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

10% Off

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10% Off on BBQ Products

Make firing the grill up super smooth with Homefire extensive range of BBQ essentials. Place your order online now and save 10% on your purchase using this coupon code.


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Garden Lawn Sprinklers As Low As £46

Premium quality Garden Lawn Sprinklers are available at lawnmowers-uk.co.uk for you at affordable price. So place your order now with just the starting price of £46 only.


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Pond Kits As Low As £79.99

Pond Kits are ideal if you are building your first pond or thinking of expanding an existing pond. Browse the vast range online at bradshawsdirect.co.uk starting from £79.99 only.

£10 Off

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£10 Off on Bell Tent Protector Cover

A lightweight fly sheet protects your tent from dirt, UV damage, debris, tree sap and birds. So buy now from belltentboutique.co.uk and save £10 on your order.

10% De Descuento

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10% de descuento en pedidos superiores a 500€

Gaste 500 € o más en los productos que desee en es.hudsonreed.com y disfrute de un 10 % de descuento en su compra. Canjee este código de cupón en el momento del pago para reclamar sus ahorros.

40% Rabatt

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Bis zu 40 % Rabatt auf Green Loop-Teppiche

Die handgewebten Teppiche der Marke Green Looop überzeugen durch tolle Qualität, stilvolle Farben und hochwertige Optik. Sie können sie jetzt online bei outlet-teppiche.de mit bis zu 40% reduziertem Preis kaufen.


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Fußmatten fürs Camping schon ab 31 €

Stöbern Sie online auf mymat.de im riesigen Sortiment hochwertiger Fußmatten fürs Camping und bestellen Sie Ihre Lieblingsmatte schon ab 31,- €.


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Küchentoaster ab 20,34 €

Kaufen Sie Küchentoaster der Top-Marke in bester Qualität online bei energeto.de schon ab 20,34 € zum günstigen Preis.


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V1 Classic Obst- und Gemüseschneider ab 29,90 €

Börner Gemüseschneider stehen für Qualität und extreme Langlebigkeit. Stöbern Sie auf boerner.de im großen Sortiment der V1 Classic Obst- und Gemüseschneider und bestellen Sie jetzt schon zum Startpreis von nur 29,90 €.


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Grills & Zubehör ab 7,95 €

Stöbern Sie online auf ambiendo.de im großen Grillsortiment samt Zubehör und bestellen Sie Ihren Wunschgrill schon zum Startpreis von nur 7,95 €.

10% Remise

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10% de réduction sur votre prochaine commande

Profitez de 10 % de réduction sur tous vos produits souhaités sur josephjoseph.com. Utilisez simplement ce code promo au moment du paiement pour réclamer vos économies.


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Radiateurs horizontaux à partir de 70 €

Découvrez la meilleure collection de radiateurs horizontaux haut de gamme, idéaux pour une installation sous les fenêtres ou sur n'importe quel mur avec un espace vertical limité. Alors passez votre commande sur fr.hudsonreed.com à partir de 70€ seulement.

10% Off

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10% Off on Your First Order Over £80

Purchase premium quality bedding essentials from the greeting page of tomanddicks.co.uk. Order now and get an incredible discount of 10% on your first purchase by applying this Tom & Dick's UK voucher code at the time of payment. Term Applies: Applicable for orders over £80.

5% Off

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5% Off on All Orders

Buy eco-friendly gardening & recycling products from originalorganics.co.uk and enjoy a 5% discount on your entire purchase using this Original Organics UK coupon code.


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Leather Sofas As Low As £1,699

Designed for unparalleled comfort and lasting elegance these high-quality leather sofas will add sophisticated character to your living room. So order now from leekes.co.uk with just the starting price of £1,699 only.

35% Off

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Up to 35% Off on Portable Barbecues

Portable BBQ’s are available in both gas and charcoal versions in various sizes at keengardener.co.uk. So place your order now and also enjoy up to 35% off on your purchase.

£100 Off

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£100 Off on Mountfield SP53H Lawn Mower

The new 2022 Mountfield SP53H self-propelled petrol lawn mower will seriously blow you away with its long list of features and practical designs. You can buy it now online from justlawnmowers.co.uk with an impressive savings of £100.

10% Off

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10% Off on Bathroom Furniture

Check out the huge assortment of top-brand Bathroom Furniture online at betterbathrooms.com and enjoy a 10% discount on your purchase. Use this coupon code during checkout to claim your savings.

Free Shipping

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Free UK Delivery on All Orders

Buy all your desired products online from waterbuttsdirect.co.uk and enjoy free delivery within the UK on all orders. No code is needed just go through the link and grab this offer.

3% Off

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Extra 3% Off on Travel Products

Enjoy a classic discount of 3% off on premium quality travel products at uk.tempur.com. Redeem this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

£5 Off

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£5 Off on Orders Over £35

Spend £35 or more on the best quality pond equipment available at pondkeeper.co.uk and save £5 on your purchase. Redeem this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

20% Off

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20% Off on Kiln Dried Logs Dinky Bag

It's the highest quality and best performing firewood, Homefire kiln-dried hardwood logs give fantastic results every time. So get it now from homefire.co.uk and also save 20% using this coupon code.


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Ride-On Lawn Mowers As Low As £270

Check out the huge assortment of best quality Ride On Lawn Mowers at lawnmowers-uk.co.uk and place your order now with just the starting price of £270 only.

10% Off

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10% Off on Selected Items

Enjoy a classic discount of 10% off on some selected products online at sewingmachinesplus.com. Redeem this coupon code at the time of payment to claim your savings.

20% Off

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20% Off on All BBQ Products

Browse the premium quality Bbq products now online at coals2u.co.uk and enjoy a 20% discount on your purchase using this coupon code.


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PVC Pond Liners As Low As £22.99

Browse the vast range of premium quality PVC Pond Liners at bradshawsdirect.co.uk and buy now with just the starting price of £22.99 only.


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Canvas Bell Tents As Low As £169.99

Bell Tent Boutique UK features premium quality Canvas Bell Tents in different sizes and colours for you. So place an order for your desired one today with just the starting price of £169.99 only.

20% Off

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20% Off on Your Order Sitewide

It's an amazing promotional offer to get 20% off on orders site-wide at Half Price Drapes. Follow the link to redeem your promo code.

20% Off

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20% Off On All Orders